Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Stones From Ancient Symbols

It is not often one meets a true artist who is in sync with their material of choice as well as the messages they create. Will Johnson posses a master's touch of precision sandblasting with stone of all sorts and sizes...from precious to sacred....from personal to substantial. Custom etched natural stone - Decorative sandblasting on granite, basalt, slate, marble and sandstone rock. Custom entry stones, special garden stones, rustic memorial stones, sacred power stones....even your personal symbol.

I met Will almost 10 years ago and over the past decade have had the opportunity to see him in action....from the initial concept to final execution of his masterful sandblasting technique.

If you are fortunate enough to live in Washington state and have a specific design in mind.....or a special rock you want to 'tattoo' with your personal mark...email Will to start the process.

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